Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to provide lab work?

    Not necessarily, however, if you have certain ones, it can be beneficial on nutrition counseling suggestions or giving guidance for any suggestions to bio-feedback ratings.

    Do I need to provide any information or documentation from my physician?

    If you have no previous health conditions and are in good health. In that case, no documentation is needed from a physician, however, if there is a current or previous condition, please get clearance by working with a dietitian and personal trainer. Any labs, diagnosed diseases, and history from a physician would be suggested.

    How long do you coach with these programs?

    Reframing thoughts around food and exercise addressing emotional eating, weight, and nutrition beliefs is not an overnight program. I have three and 6-month packages available, and people will at minimum need three months, but most will best benefit for 6-12 months. After six months, there will be discounted rates if you still need coaching, and even when we are done with the program, you will still have me encouraging you! We will discover what you need in the discovery call.

    Are exercise plans available?

    As a personal trainer, I can give you plans and suggestions and is included as an option in your program. Your program is individualized to your needs.

    Are there refunds for the program?

    At this time, no refunds are available for these programs. If you choose to participate in the three or 6-month program, it is a commitment on both parties.

  • - Do I need to provide lab work?

    Maybe. Depending on your medical condition labs may be needed to plan nutrition needs.

    - Do I need to provide any information or documentation from my physician?

    Yes, approval from a physician would be needed for any diagnosed condition that we will be working on or updating your doctor that you are working with a registered dietitian. Documentation of recommended diets from the doctor and/or patient records will be needed and can be shared confidentially in my EHR.

  • What happens if I don’t conceive?

    There is no guarantee of conception within my programs, however, if we have not seen conception within a certain period of time there will be referral recommendations. You will also be more healthy and more prepared if fertility treatments are needed and can redeem sessions at any time.

    What happens if I do the pre-conception sessions and don’t get pregnant for six months afterward?

    Your sessions will not expire. When purchasing any of my maternal programs you will get pre-conception sessions and when conceived (even if it is months or years) you will get to finish out your program with prenatal/postpartum sessions. I will also be here for you in the in-between time.

    Are there refunds?

    My programs are designed as medical nutrition therapy and will improve health even in the event of no pregnancy. Packages are based on a number of sessions, so if prenatal sessions are not needed, later on, you can redeem them from other medical nutrition therapy sessions or mindful eating and exercise sessions.

  • How can I sign up for workshops?

    At this moment it is on a separate website. Go to the workshops page and pick which workshop (website link) you would like to purchase. This will have the sign-ups and previous workshops available for purchase. A workshop zoom link will be emailed to you once you are signed up.

    How much do workshops cost?

    At this time 25.00 USD.

    Are workshops recorded to view later if I can’t make it at the scheduled time?

    Yes, although we suggest making it for the live event so you can ask questions we will have the live event recorded to be able to watch later and purchase for later.

    Are all the workshops virtual?

    Yes, at this time.

    Are beginners able to join workshops?

    Yes! We welcome all of those interested in learning more about how to “Bea Well” and make positive lifestyle changes to better your life!

  • What insurances do you accept?

    Currently, none. However, check back because working on getting coverage with Blue Cross. Can take HSA for medical nutrition therapy sessions.

    Cancellation and Refund Policy?

    For any sessions in programs there is no refund and can be redeemed at any time, so please reschedule. There will be a 50.00 fee for no-shows or cancellations without a 24-hour notice.

    For any individual sessions, there is a requirement of a 24-hour notice for cancellations, otherwise, a 50.00 fee will be charged to your card.