
Mindful Eating & Exercise Programs

Nutrition coaching that will help you stop yo-yo dieting. These programs help you get the results you are looking for that is realistic, lasts a lifetime and a healthy way. It will look at the thoughts and beliefs around food and exercise and find what works for you. Every body is different and I look at people as a whole person with individual needs. I believe it is important to include ideas from HAES (Healthy At Every Size) and Intuitive/Mindful Eating. This approach will leave you feeling encouraged, equipped and well on your way of truly being mindful and well for you.

Who may benefit from this package?

  • Those wanting to create a healthier relationship with food and exercise.

  • Those who want to truly be at a healthy weight for their bodies without shame or a lifetime of tracking.

  • Those who have been told by their doctor that they need to do a specific diet and want to do it in a way that is healthy and doesn’t create disordered eating or fall into yo-yo dieting.

  • Those needing to improve energy, stress management, mood, sleep, sex drive, and hunger cues.

  • Those who need help to know how to fuel for exercise.

  • Women who want to go with their hormones not against them.

  • Those who have disordered eating. Not for most with eating disorders, individual case based on assessment (which may be a initial appt fee).

What are some things this package includes?

  • Accountability (bi-weekly or weekly)

  • Periodic assessments from organized and strategic programming.

  • Individualized nutrition coaching/counseling for healthy eating management including but not limited to mindful eating, macros, behavior modification and development, fueling for exercise, stress and food modification, body composition analysis, meal resources, optimal dietary guideline instruction, and consumer education based on science.

  • Nutritional Workshops and Modules.

  • HIPPA compliant apps.

  • 3 or 6-month package discount available

    -Book the discovery call button-

Medical Nutrition Therapy


A medical condition can leave us feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. Then when nutrition is impacted it can be very defeating. Not knowing what triggers body responses individually for you or how food even impacts that condition can be scary. After years of helping my own family with their conditions and coaching along others I can help you get on a path that helps you not only feel well but feel equipped to eat well every day without causes irritations/triggers to happen in your condition.

Who may benefit from this package?

  • Those who have been told by their doctor that they need to do a specific diet and want to do it in a way that is healthy and correct way.

  • Addressing nutrition therapy for chronic conditions including gastrointestinal diseases, heart disease, anemia, migraines, eating disorders, autoimmune conditions, and thyroid health.

What are some things this appointment includes?

  • Accountability

  • Nutrition counseling for a variety of conditions

  • Outpatient Eating Disorder Nutrition Therapy

  • Elimination diet coaching

  • Cognitive learning and mood conditions where nutrition can be addressed to help with focus, mood, and sensory needs. Some include ADHD, Autism, Depression and Anxiety. Yes, food does make a difference.

  • Proper supplementation for the condition

  • Mindful exercises with nutrition/Sports Nutrition and more

    Choose initial consult session to book your next appointment!

Maternal/Prenatal/Postnatal Nutrition Counseling


The health of a new life starts well before conception and lasts generations. 80% of pregnancies in the world are unplanned and 50% of pregnancies are in the united states. Nutrition and exercise habits can make a huge difference now and for generations. If you are planning on a pregnancy now or soon I highly encourage nutrition counseling. If you have experienced fertility issues, I have been there and can give empathetic nutrition counseling to give hope and address fertility concerns where nutrition and address them. If interested in exercising during and after pregnancy I am certified to help that happen! I highly encourage it to happen as well!

Who may benefit from this package?

  • Those who are planning on becoming pregnant within 3-6 months. Including the father.

  • Those are already pregnant

  • Those who have or are experiencing fertility concerns like recurrent miscarriages, PCOS, and infertility.

  • Those who are pregnant and experiencing pregnancy related concerns like anemia, hyperemesis gravidarum, and gestastional diabetes.

  • Those who want to follow a plant base diet while pregnant or postpartum.

  • Those who have a history of thyroid disease, migraines, or eating disorders.

  • Those who are breastfeeding.

  • Those wanting to run or exercise during pregnancy or afterwards

What are some things this package includes?

  • 1-4 weekly 30 min nutrition counseling for the pre-natal and post-natal nutrition care

  • Nutrition counseling for both parents or soon-to-be parents.

  • Individualized nutrition counseling for a healthy pregnancy included but was not limited to appropriate weight gain, nutrition at all stages, food safety before and during pregnancy, nutrition for lactation, proper supplementation, and nutrition for proper fertility.

  • Healthy exercise program options

  • Addressing Maternal and Paternal nutrition and health, thyroid health, PCOS, Anemia, Hyperemesis Gravidarum, and gestational diabetes when needed.

Program sessions vary based on stages of pre-natal and post-natal care

Nutritional Workshops

Bea Well Nutrition will be partnering up with other dietitians to give you more in-depth teaching that focuses on nutrition topics that impact women health and their relationship with food. Click the button below to see what is going on this month and for recorded past workshop purchase options.

Public Speaking

Life is a journey that is better done with growth and community. One way I love serve is sharing my story with other women. To help encourage during tough times, to educate on being well with a whole person approach, and to guide on what the next steps may be. I have spoken to multiple mom groups and health education workshops. Currently open to speak on these topics:

Miscarriage and resources

Prenatal/Fertility/Postpartum Nutrition and Exercise

Women Nutrition and Exercise

Children’s Health and Growing Adventurous Eaters

Healthy Relationship/Mindset with Food and Exercise

Disordered Eating and Exercise

Sports Nutrition

Mental Health and Nutrition

Who, What. How. of Dietitians: Importance of Having One

If your school, church, mom’s group, or workplace needs encouragement, education, or inspiration to be well please book button to book and can’t wait to serve in this way!